Overcoming stakeholder resistance to innovation

In a recent workshop we were asked, “how do you overcome stakeholder resistance to new innovation”?

First; ensure that Innovation is part of the growth strategy of the business.

Without innovation all business die.

Your board need to have new product development led innovation and the resources to support it as part of their strategic plan for growth.

Consumer Demonstration to Stakeholders

Second; you need to sell the story to your stakeholders one by one.

Build up the story from the consumer perspective and the business case.

Each time you encounter your stakeholders, even your direct line manager, be prepared with a 2 minute pitch (see NABC tool) to incrementally sell and build your idea.

Start with the insight; then the approach, and the benfit to both the end consumer and your bussiness (iTO)

Third: Make it easy and low risk to take the first step…

“all I am after is x to do this step and help prove that it’s a great idea… if we are right then it’s worth y.”

Unilever’s LivOpen bednets came from us asking for small amount of funds to do a little design work on bednets, which eventually led to a much larger investment and launch

Continually drip feed ideas, and get them to be part of it; build ideas with them so it feels like it’s their idea with their buy in, you might need to pivot slightly, but it will be better with their engagement.

Remember they will say “no,” – a lot – be patient and don’t give up – and each time you and they will learn until one hits.


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