Pads that really fit


Very excited to tell you that my new range for Breast Pads are available now!

These are the world’s first pads sized and shaped to fit real women; because, you know, women come in different sizes.  This means they stay in place, are more efficacious and more comfortable; without showing through. Offering five layers of protection, in three sizes, their patented shape and double adhesive is superior to the leading pads in comfort and performance.

It’s shocking that so many products “for women,” don’t even consider the difference is shape, and how little development in design and engineering has been focused on this. I hope that products like this genuinely make a different to people’s lives; and allow women to feel confident when breast feeding, help them go out, work and breast feed for longer.

Congratulations to the team at Mayborn for bringing these challenging babies to market; defiantly a “Faster Horse” challenge. Special thanks to Sophie McClean, Mellissa Verstigati, Jenny Lockwood-Mulleny, Dannielle Little and Eddy Chan who have been complete stars. To Sam, Chris, Georgie and the wonderful functional fabric design & prototyping  at Thread Design, Hannah and their team of insight wizards at Blue Yonder; and the amazing (and patient) skills of the manufacturing team out in China.

To all the stakeholders who believed that we could make a difference; even if no one has done it before.

And of course to the amazing women who were very open with our team and helped in their development.

PS More to come on how this innovation happened, and how to overcome some of the barriers to getting disruptions on the market


Overcoming stakeholder resistance to innovation


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