No Knock Toddler Cup

Saving Mealtimes

“My youngest wants to use a normal open-cup just like her older sibling… she doesn’t spill it when she’s concentrating and drinking from it… but the instant she reached for Ketchup… disaster! Dinner ruined. Tears!”

Taking inspiration from premium adult cups, an affordable and toddler proof format, the No Knock cup has an ingenious puck that grips securely to the table, but lifts-like-magic when raised vertically.

This allows toddlers to transition from sippey-cups to open cups without the drama of spilling at mealtimes.

Won’t Knock Over, but lifts like magic.

Won’t Knock Over, but lifts like magic.

Multiple award winning innovation

Multiple award winning innovation

The Clevergrip base; that sticks to surfaces when knocked and releases when lifted up

The Clevergrip base; that sticks to surfaces when knocked and releases when lifted up


Delivering Disruption

We were faced with significant challenges in bringing the product to market:

  1. Proving the consumer appeal of the polarising concept

  2. Meeting the ambitious cost target

  3. Delivering in record time

  4. Managing sensitive plastic tolerances

  5. Identifying suitable suppliers

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In Home Testing (HUT) of Prototypes

Our concept was verified and the product tolerances iterated through in home testing of prototypes with toddlers and their families.

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Tender and Cost Modelling

I introduced bill-of-material level cost modelling and a commercial tender to identify a supplier base capable of meeting the tight tolerances and cost targets.

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Compelling Theatrical Demonstrations

To convince stakeholders to invest in capital, and trade teams to sell into stores, a bit of theatre was needed to demonstrate how easy it is for a toddler to spill their drink when not concentrating; and showing that the No Knock cup is ketchup-proof.

Raised enclosed pack design shows off the Clevergrip base and protects it from dust

Raised enclosed pack design shows off the Clevergrip base and protects it from dust


Made for Me Breast Feeding Range


LivOpen Insect Control Program