Next Generation PerfectPrep Appliance

“Perfect Prep was like… Oh my Gosh!”

When you've not had (any) sleep; the hassle of making up baby bottles is a challenge. The PerfectPrep speeds up the process; making a bottle in 2 minutes.

Approaching a new device brief:

Applying best practice appliance design to create next generation bottle maker.

Dominating the market in the UK, but with almost no penetration outside, how can a next generation Perfect Prep answer the needs of parents all over the world?

Here is how I developed the brief for our next generation bottle maker.



Ethnography and qualitative research to understand the user tensions with the existing and competitor machines, the bottle journey and infant feeding using a Consumer Journey.


Market analysis of the potential markets and penetration. Each with their own needs and behaviours. Trade and company margin on both the device and it’s replacement cartridge.



Extensive competitor analysis, breaking down and benchmarking Burabi, Brezza and Beaba bottle maker machines; understanding how they work, benefits, features, cost and issues.


Prototyping better designs, features and testing them with parents, iterating the design with models and rigs.

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Creating written concepts, from market and ethnographic insights, testing online in target countries and in qualitative groups.

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Price and Cost

Creating business models and price points based on cost of goods for the components, RSP targets, shadow cost models of competitor & current products and appliance prices.

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Building target claims and concept selection criteria to pick the design routes, and target features.

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Comprehensive technical specifications, including software, hardware, use, regional variation, regulations and target markets needs.

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Holistic Design

Aesthetic design briefs to suit a premium kitchen appliance.

Example image: Coffee Maker by gaspard tiné berès: short circuit

Well to be honest that's all I can tell you because; like any project that's in development the rest is confidential.

So fingers crossed the team will deliver fabulous new innovations; in the mean time shhh!


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